The Injury Atlas of Victoria is developed by the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU) , Monash University Accident Reseach Centre. The Injury Atlas presents de-identified hospital-treated unintentional injury data supplied by the Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI). This can be used by government departments and agencies of all levels, health and injury prevention organisations, media, business and industry, education institutions, research groups and the community.
Overview of Injury Atlas
VISU Data Request Service
Data requests that are within VISU capabilities but beyond the capability of the Injury Atlas
Make a requestVISU Publications
The bi-annual publication has been a popular and important channel for the widespread and timely dissemination of injury prevention information since 1988. The Hazard highlights emerging injury issues.
e-Bulletins, fact sheets and other VISU reports
E-Bulletins summarise the analysis of unintentional hospital-treated injury data and injury-related death data.
Injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic
Covid bulletins present regular overviews of injury statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic.