The Injury Atlas of Victoria has been developed by the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU), Monash University Accident Research Centre, Australia. The Injury Atlas of Victoria is a platform to explore unintentional injury data, sports injury data , falls injury data and transport injury data for the year 2010/11-2022/23 extracted from Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset supplied to VISU by the Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI) at the Victorian Department of Health (DH).
Key features:
- Explore all unintentional, transport, falls and sport injury data in unintentional, transport and sport injury atlas respectively
- Different filter options are available in atlases - unitentional injury atlas (Injury cause, gender, age group and admission year), transport injury (Road user, age group, gender, admission year, road type, occupant type), falls(age group, gender, admission year, separation type, surgery status, admission source) and sport (Sport activity type, age group and admission year)
- Filtered data can be viewed in table, map and graphs
- In the map, filtered data as a count of injuries or rate per 100,000 population can be viewed by local government areas, DH health regions, DH health areas, DH health divisions, Accessibility Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) and rural/metropolitan regions of Victoria
- The total injury data in geographical regions can be explored by different categories of injury variables in charts and graphs
- Reclassify the map using the different number of classes and classification methods such as Natural breaks (Jenks), quantile and equal interval
- In the chart, filtered data as a count, percentage and rate per 100,000 population by selected categories (cause, age-groups, sex, nature of the injury, year of admission, body region, settings and bed days) can be viewed where applicable
- Individual chart, map and chart data can be dowloaded to further use
- Request the specific data using the data request link in the top right corner of the page
This tool can be utilised by a variety of organisations and individuals such as Commonwealth, state and local government departments and agencies, health and injury prevention organisations, media, business and industry, education institutes, research groups and the community.
Access to quality injury surveillance data provides immense research potential and is crucial to the development of effective injury prevention and safety promotion. The Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU) has been analysing, interpreting and disseminating Victorian data on injury deaths, hospital admissions and emergency department presentations across the state, nationally and internationally for more than 25 years.
Data are used to underpin government injury prevention policies, stimulate research and to develop and evaluate prevention strategies and measures. These include community awareness initiatives and education, legislative and regulatory changes and safety-related environmental, equipment and product design improvements.
This critical information is provided to around 250 organisations and agencies each year, including the Commonwealth, state and local government departments and agencies, health and injury prevention organisations, media, business and industry, education institutes, research groups and the community.
Overview of Injury Atlas
Official launch of Injury Atlas of Victoria @AIPN 2019